Change those pesky habits!

If you've tried over and over to change a pesky habit, but it hasn't worked, maybe it's time you tried something different!

Get a free 30' coaching session with professional motivator and life coach, Scott "Q" Marcus. Fill out the form below or go to this link and choose your slot right now.

Why would you wait to feel better?

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About Scott

Scott 'Q' MarcusRecovering Perfectionist" Scott "Q" Marcus believes small steps done regularly will always outdo large steps done intermittently. The reason we don't get what we want is we aim to be perfect. Since that's impossible, we inevitably fall short. We feel bad. We stress out. We become less efficient. It's a downward spiral.

Scott has developed a playful, upbeat, practical style that will help you get past what holds you back - guaranteed satisfaction.